Reg form 07/03/2022 by admin [step id:step_name] Title MrMissMrsDrRev Surname First name Other names Occupation Languages spoken Spouse? —Please choose an option—YesNo [group gp_spouse] For your spouse... Surname First name Other names Occupation Languages spoken [/group] [step id:step_contact] Contact email Address Mobile No Include in parish Whatsapp notification group? NoYes Home No [step id:step_children] Do you have children ? [togglebutton any_kids "No" "Yes"] [group gp_children][repeater rp_children min:0 max:20] BoyGirl Age School —Please choose an option—-at home-St John's PrimarySt John's ComprehensiveGravesend Grammar-other- [group gp_other_school] Name of school [/group] [/repeater] [/group] [step id:Extra] Would you like to join the planned giving scheme Yes (If you are a tax payer you can register for Gift Aid contributions) You will be contacted about this separately What skills do you (and your family members) have that would be useful in the parish? [step id:Involvement] Finally, are you (or one of your family) already involved in activities in the parish? If so... [step id:Overview] [summary]