Newsletter w/c 17-07-2022

Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends.

 May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including…

  • 17: Jane Brebner, Thomas Gibson
  • 18: Mary Curran, John Joseph Harkin, Bridget Veronica Gannon, Denis John Hunt, Thomas Patrick Gilhooly, Claire Margaret Burns, Norman Stanley Jones, 
  • 19: Robert Duggan, Lauren Kember, James Loakman, John Joseph Hughes, Della Maria Gibbons, Derek Newland Carter, Alan William Downes,
  • 20: Roy Carter, Peter Anthony Hilton Kelly, Brendan Michael Moriarty, Anne Mary Christina Cassidy
  • 21: Kathleen Veronica Webster, Isobelle Bradley, Winifride Mary Tutton, Frances Teresa Sylvester, Pauline Thomas, Ronald Newell, Tony Mulchrone, Mary Josephine Kennedy, Marie Sheila Farnworth, Margaret Devenney
  • 22: Clair Crowley, Kevin Mahon, Margaret Mary Crane, George Albert Butt, Zofia Halas, Mary Ann Hollingum
  • 23: Lillian Margaret Barnacle, Janina Chyba, John Larkin, Patrick Joseph Meaney, Mary Catherine Sheahan
  • 24: Kevin McDermott, Michael Boffa, Alfred Mills, John Groark, Barbara Mary Rixson, Maria Lilian Horsfield, Margaret Adam, Sr. Monica Flynn, Ruby McBryde, Sr Mary Camillus

May they rest in peace


Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to  receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them.

Congratulations to all our children moving from one class or school to another. We wish you God’s blessings in your next phase in life. We hope you will all have a wonderful summer holiday.

Thursday 9.15am Mass  During the school holidays, Thursday morning Mass will be held in the Church.

Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje Fr Moses will lead a parish pilgrimage to Medjugorje on 3rd October for 7 nights flying from Gatwick airport. The cost will now be £600 sharing (or £130 supplement for single room). If you might be interested please let Henri Lindsay (07712278210) or the office know soon. We are travelling with Marian Pilgrimages but Henri will need the contact details of all the Pilgrims to give to Marian who will contact everyone directly for booking and payment.

Bereavement Ministry Have you lost a dear one, and so familiar with the pain and challenges of loss? Could you help comfort, care for, and assure the bereaved in our parish family, they are not alone?  Please speak with Fr Moses or pick the form at the back of the Church.

Baptisms  We welcome into our parish family Sora Horvathova, Heidi Earl & Aleksandra Oshodi who were baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Dates for the baptism course can be seen in the porch (Families need to attend one of the talks before the baptism). Please phone or email the office if you wish to attend (Next talk is 12th September).

Confirmation Certificates Would all candidates who were Confirmed this month please see Fr Moses after Mass to collect their certificate.

Wedding  Congratulations to Cheryl Jodka & Daniel Truss who were married at St John’s this weekend

Last weeks collections:  First collection: £1021.21, Apostleship of the Sea  £311.84. Thank you for your continued

generosity.  Thank you to all those people who also pay by standing order – forms are available on the information table if you would like to make your donation to the Church in this way instead of using gift aid envelopes or cash.

Knights of St Columba invites parishioners to stay behind in the coffee bar after 10.30am Mass for fellowship, tea and coffee  on the second Sunday of each month

New Altar Servers Would you like to join our Altar Servers at one of the Masses? We will be holding a training session

after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 24th July. We especially invite all children who have recently made their First Holy Communion.

Pilgrimage of Reparation & Prayer for the Sanctity of Life Walsingham, Saturday 6th August. There will be a coach leaving from St. Anselm’s Dartford at 7.45am and leaving Walsingham at 5pm, Cost £20 per person, £40 per family. Please contact Fr Stephen Boyle 01322 220075 or dartford@rcaos.orgouk

Altar Servers Summer Break  For Altar Servers, boys and girls aged 11-17 of the Southwark diocese 2-5th August at   Oratory School, Reading. Please collect a form from the sacristy if you are interested.

School Forms  Fr Moses will be available to sign school forms on Wednesday 20th July between 1-4 pm in the Presbytery. Please note that the day and times may change each week.

Foodbank  Thank you for your most generous donations of food and other essentials. We were able to deliver 107.4 kg.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: A minute within your court is more than a thousand elsewhere. Please spare a little time if you are able to come, pray & watch before the Blessed Sacrament, either on Wed (9.30–11.30) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm so that there will always be someone present in the Church.

The Divine Mercy  each day at 3pm. Please click here for more information.

Mustard Seed  Meet every Friday @7.30pm to nourish their faith with the Word of God (click here for more information)

Wednesday Tea/Coffee  Come and join the fellowship after the 12 noon Mass on Wednesday.

Appeal for Knitters?  Thank you to those people who have shown an interest in making a shawl. We are not looking at any specific pattern and different styles would be most welcome (last year we had over 80 baptisms in the parish).

200 Club  June Winners 1st: £55 – Cliff Potter, 2nd:  £35 – Mrs A Bakker,  3rd: £25 – Jacky Hardy, 4th: £15 – Carman    Balzan. Thank you for your continued support. (Numbers drawn at Wednesday Teas 29th June)