Newsletter w/c 19-02-2023

Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends

  • Robert Freeman – Requiem at St John’s Thurs 23 February at 11am
  • Janet Bagley – Requiem at St John’s Fri 24th February at 2pm
  • Fiorindo Necchi-Ghiri – funeral Mass at St Johns Thurs 23rd Feb at 1pm

 May God console their families. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including…..

  • 19: Luigi Boffa, Sister M. Veronica Couchman, Doreen Minnie Hodge, Baby Arthur Antonio Jackson, Enid Anita Hedges, Patrick Finbar Crotty, Edward William Webster, Joan Beatrice McGlinn, David Kavanagh, Matilda Turner
  • 20: Thomas Finton Byrne, Patrick Joseph Doyle, Theresa Laws, David William Brooks
  • 21: Nancy Moore, Gwen Miller, James Little, Lionel Anthony Jackson, John Halligan, Francis Arthur Barnacle
  • 22: Nicola Carnovale, Sister M. Francis Elmes, Mary Hills, Frankie Conroy, Henry May
  • 23: James Comgall McBennett, Peter Joseph Hughes, Alan Thomas Ryder
  • 24: Alfred Tiller, Catherine Odd, Louisa Amelia Sullivan, Ellen Mollie Patricia Moore, Marina Ventskene
  • 25: Hilda Veronia Chick, Kathleen Finnerty, Horace Cecil Medhurst, John McGowan, Ivy Louise Savage, Mark James Fraher,
  • 26: James Joseph Coleman, Colin Burgess, Sheila Jeffs Mulheran

May they rest in peace


 LENT: Stations of the Cross at St John’s Friday evening at 6.30pm (Confessions 5.30-6.15pm).

MSP Mission Appeal  Fr Moses would like to thank you for your most generous offering for the appeal last week. Envelopes are still available at the back of the Church for your donations.

Last weeks collections  First collection: £1080.37, MSP Appeal £1922.63, Church maintenance £55. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Next week: There will be a second collection for Clergy Support. During 2022 the fund provided care for 73 retired priest at a cost of £1.33 million.

Ash Wednesday 22nd February and it is a day of fasting and abstinence. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a period of 40 days (Sundays excluded) in which Catholics prepare for Eastertide. Ashes will be blessed and distributed on that day at all Masses; 9.15am, 12 noon and 7pm. The Priest invites parishioners forward saying “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. This period also represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert as well as the 40 years that the Israelites spent in exile.

Lent We wish to appeal for active and regular participation at the masses, attendance to the Station of the Cross and the sacrament of penance/reconciliation/confession during this special season of grace. Above all, let us pray for one another,  the Church and the world.

Lenten booklets Lenten booklets available at the back of the Church. There are 2 different books, one with readings and one with reflections of the day. Also children’s booklets.

Archdiocese of Southwark Lent Retreat, 2023  “Renewed in Hope”: Make some space to develop your relationship with God this Lent. Sign up for the Diocesan Lent Retreat “Renewed in Hope”. Every week you will receive an email with links to a 20-minute video in which Archbishop John will introduce the theme and the reading, Chris Chapman will deliver the retreat programme and a witness will speak of the relevance in their daily life. You will also receive materials to use in your own prayer and reflection. All you have to do is sign up here set aside what space you can for reflection and join us in being Renewed in Hope

Baptisms  Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a talk before the baptism. Please phone or email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is 13th March).

RCIA  We welcome anyone who is searching or wants to review their faith or may be interested in joining the Catholic     community, or wishes to be Confirmed. Please come to the Presbytery on Wednesdays at 7.30pm.

Foodbank Thank you for your generous donations during February. We delivered 181.6kg to the foodbank.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Come to me all who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest. Come, pray, rest & watch before the Blessed Sacrament, either on Wed (9.30–11.30) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm.

Mass IntentionsIf you would like to have a Mass offered for an intention, please fill in one of marked envelopes and hand to one of the priests or call at the presbytery between 10-2pm if you would like a specific mass. We cannot always allocate a Mass on the date requested as it may have already been booked, however, your Mass may be shared if you wish.

Mustard Seed  Bible study every day @ 8.30pm; Lectio Divina on Fridays @ 7.30pm. Click Here for how to join.

Come and Rest  is a contemplative group that meets around the Word of God on Wednesdays 8-9pm. Click Here for how to join online.

Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be online at 3pm Monday – Friday. Click Here for how to join the online meetings as well as the prayers if you wish to say the Chaplet privately.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family.

Confirmation booklets  We have workbooks for those students who prepared for Confirmation in the parish and made their Confirmation in 2016 or 2017. If you would like to collect your book, please speak to Fr Moses or come to the parish office.

Dona Card Machine We now have a self-service card donation point. It accepts contactless and chip and pin donations for those parishioners who may find this more useful than cash. We will try and have someone with the machine at all masses to help with any enquires about making donations this way.

Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them.