Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends
- Christine Hartnett – Service Friday 16th February @10am at Thames View Crematorium
- Peter Walsh – an active member of our parish who died 4th February. Details to follow
- Mary Philomena Kelly – Details to follow
May God console their family. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;
Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including….
- 11: Maria Lopez, Brian Green, Frances Clare Dougal, Vincenzo Mazzone, Ronald Valentine Westmore, Kathleen Mary Pyant, Alice Warner, David Powell
- 12: Mary Bridget Sheehan, Millie Lilley, John Morgan, Emma Ellenor Reidy, Lorena Cuozzo, James Reilly, Emilio Cientanni, Annie Newman, Evelyn Josephine Gough
- 13: Fr Joseph Wyatt, Ivy Waller, Alice Winifred Keegan
- 14: Gerard Morgan, Denis Healy, Adrian Chick, Maria Luisa DiNonno
- 15: Frances Irene Barber, Frederick George Costen
- 16: Thomas O’Brian, Robert Pearce, Claude Turner, Anthony Bailey, Jane Lynn, Margaret Mulholand
- 17: Emilia Savickis, Mary Agar, Andrew Murphy, Mary Philomena Pay, Douglas Lawrence, Gordon, Lucia Camilla Jones, Nuala Chapman, Eileen Turley, Joseph Savickis, Lucza Cernenoks, Bridget Mary Carey
- 18: Thomas David Butterfield, Family Spreugel, William Gerald Flynn, Bridget Lereille, Eileen Lynch, S. Gilbert, Ada Hilton, Ruth Birch, Michael Alfred Stapley, Doris Olive Joyce
May they rest in peace…
Pastoral Letter will be read at all Masses this weekend. Copies are available at the back of the Church.
Building a Better Marriage St John’s Church invites married couples to a special day on Saturday 16th March 10-4pm where couples can privately explore their relationship more deeply and gain valuable insights into the communication and the call of the Church to be married. The one-day course is for married couples (whether married for one year, 60 years or anywhere in between). It seeks to help husbands and wives to make their marriages better and to improve their communication skills. There is no group sharing and private information remains private to each couple. There is no charge but booking is essential. Please return the leaflet, available on the information table to the parish office or one of the Priests. The event will be held at St John’s Primary School, Rochester Road DA12 2SY. Refreshments will be provided but please bring a packed lunch.
Ash Wednesday is 14th February and it is a day of fasting and abstinence. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a period of 40 days (Sundays excluded) in which Catholics prepare for Eastertide. Ashes will be blessed and distributed on that day at all Masses; 9.15am, 12 noon and 7pm. The Priest invites parishioners forward saying “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. This period also represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert as well as the 40 years that the Israelites spent in exile.
Lent We wish to appeal for active and regular participation at the masses, attendance to the Station of the Cross and the sacrament of penance/reconciliation/confession during this special season of grace. Above all, let us pray for one another, the Church and the world.
Lenten booklets Lenten booklets available at the back of the Church. There are 2 different books, one with readings and one with reflections of the day. Also children’s booklets.
World Children’s Day Pope Francis has announced the first World Children’s Day will be held on 25-26 May. We would like to take a group to Rome. Please take a form available at the back of the Church or talk to Fr Stephen for more information. We will hold a meeting at the end of the month explaining the trip.
School Forms We will be available to sign school forms on Tuesday between 11-1pm in the Presbytery. Please note that the day and times may change each week.
Last weeks collections £1,591.50 Next week: There will be a second collection for the Clergy Support Fund. Thank you for your continued generosity and also to those people who pay by standing order and contactless.
Children’s Choir Already our youths help with the liturgy on the last weekend of the month (10.30am). We are inviting children/young people to join the children’s choir at that Mass. Practice will be; 24th February @1pm
Choir We are recruiting for new members of the choir, which normally sings twice a month on Saturdays at the 6pm Mass. Please phone Mark on 07985 563063 for a chat.
Foodbank We will be collecting donations for the Foodbank at all Masses this weekend Thank you.
Baptism We welcome into our parish family Fausta Vadlugaite who was baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a talk before the baptism. Please phone/email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is Monday 12th February).
Wednesday Tea/Coffee Refreshments are served in the Coffee bar after 12 noon Mass. All welcome.
RCIA You are welcome to the Catholic Church. Are you searching or want to review your faith or may be interested in joining the Catholic community, or wish to be Confirmed. Come to the Presbytery on Wednesday @ 7.30pm. God Bless.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; come and talk heart to heart with Him, either on Wed (12.30pm-6pm) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm. During Lent there will be a clipboard at the back of the Church to sign so that the Church will always have someone available.
Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family.
Booking Mass Intentions: Envelopes for Masses are available at the back of the Church, write the intention and put the stipend (£10 is recommended) in the envelope. Please do not use the Dona Machine for Mass stipends.
Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be online at 3pm Monday – Friday. Click here for how to join the online meetings as well as the prayers if you wish to say the Chaplet privately.
Come and Rest in Me is a contemplative group that meets around the Word of God on Wednesdays 8-9pm. Click here for the zoom link.
Mustard Seed Bible study every day @ 8.30pm; Lectio Divina on Fridays @ 7.30pm. Please click here for how to join
LENT: Stations of the Cross Friday evening at 6.30pm (Confessions 5.30-6.15pm) & Wednesday @10am
Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them and their families. Please, when on admission in the hospital or care home, volunteer the information of your faith as you won’t be asked ordinarily.