Newsletter w/c 28-04-2024

Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends    

  • Michael Joseph Lowry – Requiem Thursday 2nd May 10am at St John’s

May God console their families. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including….

  • 28: Ethel Amelia Reardon, Kathleen Strain, Rita Ryan, Helen Stella Bergin, Eileen Scutts, William Agley, Owen Mulheran, Ervine Gabor, Rosa Horton nee Cientanni
  • 29: Alfred William Mills, Agnes Patricia Byrne, Dennis Francis Hurley,
  • 30: Paul Koluzs, Anthony Stephen Robinson, Albert George Pattison, Norah Eileen Lorimer, Sheila Evans
  • 1:  John Savickis
  • 2:  Aubrey Cutler, Christy O’Neill
  • 3:  Hetty Hickford, Grace Frances Witherden, Sister M. Francis Lennon
  • 4:  Molly McNally, Mieczyslaw Chyba, Antony David Senior, Doreen Mary Mulcahy, Christine Veronica Walsh
  • 5:  Josephine McGowan, Kathleen Vera Boyer, Anne Christine Dimpers      

May they rest in peace…


Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in     hospital & those who care for them and their families. Please, when on admission in the hospital or care home, volunteer the information of your faith as you won’t be asked ordinarily.

Stewardship Drive  We are each uniquely gifted, and called to serve the community with our talents; This weekend, please remember to collect your commitment cards and return them to one of the Priests.

May Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary  During May the Rosary will be recited 30 minutes before all Masses. Please join us next Saturday 4th May when we will be crowning Our Lady during the 10am Mass.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; come and talk heart to heart with Him, either on Wed (10am-12noon) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm. There will be 24hours continuous Adoration on Friday 3rd May after 9.15am Mass until 10am Saturday 4th May. If you are able, please sign the clipboard at the back of the Church so that we can be sure that there will always be someone with Our Lord.

First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be held in the Church this Friday 3rd May. It will start at 2.30pm with Rosary, 3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet and Exposition, 3.30pm Mass. All are welcome to join us.

First Saturday Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  On the first Saturday of each month a service will be held 11.30-12.30pm in the Church. . Everyone is welcome to join us Sound system  Our grateful thanks to a parishioner for paying the cost for the installation of our new sound system.

Our Mission Box collection from our parish raised £729.89; The Mill Hill Fathers send their appreciation. Please consider taking a box home for your coins; every penny counts!

Last weeks collections  £1262.48, Priest Training Fund £432.96. Thank you for your continued generosity and also to those people who pay by standing order and contactless.  This weekend there will be a second collection for St George’s Cathedral. Gift aid, standing order, bank details are available at the back of the Church or contact the parish office.

Gift Aid Boxes  The boxes for this year have just arrived and they are available for collection in the Sacristy.

Baptism We welcome into our parish family Kristian Gazi who was baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a talk before the baptism. Please phone/email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is Monday 13th May).

Fr Innocent Abonyi msp will be celebrating his Silver Jubilee of his Priestly Ordination on Friday 5th July with Mass at    Our Lady Star of the Sea, Llandudno for anyone able to make the journey. We will organise a card nearer the time.

Booking Mass IntentionsEnvelopes for Masses are available at the back of the Church, write the intention and put the stipend in the envelope. Please do not use the Dona Machine for Mass stipends.

School Forms We will be available to sign school forms on Tuesday between 2-4pm in the Presbytery. Please note that the day and times may change each week.

200 Club  April Winners 1st: £55 – Sunday Teas, 2nd:  £35 – Helen Perrin, 3rd: £25 – Kevin Okorefe, 4th: £15 – Jacky Hardy. We held the draw on Wednesday 24th April in the Coffee Bar. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday Tea/Coffee  Refreshments are served in the Coffee bar after 12 noon Mass. All welcome.

Altar servers Rally at The Friars, Aylesford on May Day bank holiday 6th May. Mass will be celebrated at 11.30am.     Everyone is welcome to attend especially our servers, families and friends. Altar servers are encouraged to attend with    family and friends.

Shrine of Our Lady of Hartley, within the rare 500-year-old thatched church of  St Francis de Sales. on 4 May from 12pm. The pilgrimage will include reflections, hymns and prayers to Our Lady with Adoration before the Parish Mass at 5.30pm. 

Annual Mass for London Migrant Workers in honour of St Joseph the Worker is on Monday 6th May at St George’s Cathedral, SE1 6HR at 12.30pm.  All are invited.  You are welcome to come in national dress.

A Year of Encounter With a UK general election due sometime this year, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty and injustice. This is a joint initiative between CAFOD and St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), Please see for more information, including online session Saturday 4th May to learn more.

Catholic Charismatic Group meetings resuming Fridays at 7pm in the Church. You’re all welcome to come and listen, pray and share your faith.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family. Please see the parish website for prayer groups.

Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be online at 3pm Monday – Friday. Click here for how to join the online meetings as well as the prayers if you wish to say the Chaplet privately.

Come and Rest in Me  is a contemplative group that meets around the Word of God on Wednesdays 8-9pm. Click here for the zoom link.

Mustard Seed  Bible study every day @ 8.30pm; Lectio Divina on Fridays @ 7.30pm. Please click here for how to join