Newsletter w/c 23-06-2024

                  Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends        

  • William Wooley – Requien at St John’s Mon24th June @11.30am
  • Audrey Veronica Gray – Reception Mon 4pm, Requiem at St John’s Tues 25th June @12.30pm
  • Babab Tunte Ijoyah – Requiem at St John’s 19th July @ 12noon

May God console their families. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including….      

  • 23: Elizabeth Bertha Maud Taylor, Ethel Callaghan, Doreen Moore, Annie Mary Theresa Murdock, Francis Mary O’Brien, Mary Frances Gannon, Patrick Flaherty, Francis Joseph Kerrigan
  • 24: Joseph Maurice D’Auray, Gerrard O’Flynn, Tertius Metcalf, Antonio Webster, Philip Anthony Neale Martin, Vincent Gerald Canton, Frances McGinness, Jessie May Twitchett
  • 25: Alfred William James Strickland, Barry Holland, Roger Harkin, Jack Buckley, Kenneth George Argent, Bridget Theresa Martin, Francis (Frank) Redmond, Philip Leach, William Smyth
  • 26: Reginald Panter, Sister M. Kevin Carr, Vera Magee, Lilian Eva Doyle
  • 27: Lydia Geraldine Maxwell Harrison
  • 28: Thomas Hugh Gallagher, Matthew O’Neill, Catherine Kelly, Stephen Clive Finch, Julia Mary Lear, Albert Stapley, Patrick Joseph Smithers, Przemyslaw Zawadzki
  • 29: Elizabeth Jessie Costello, Sister M. Teresa Donnelly, Frank Edward Alfred Aldrich, Alexandra Maud Pender, Patrick Joseph Cummins, Mary Miles, Valarie Ann Ricketts, Dorothy May Jackson, Kiwi Rocket,
  • 30: Sarah Price, James Green, Walter Thomas Everden, Richard Dougal, Eddie Neary, Lydia Ann Pryor, Antonia Angelina Lamb

   May they rest in peace…


Parish Pastoral Plan  During the covid, we did look at ‘Some Definite Service’ together as a parish; may I invite you to a general meeting to look at our pastoral needs/plan this Tuesday 25th June @7.30pm.

Confirmation This year our young people will be Confirmed on Saturday 6th July at 11am & 2.30pm. This means that morning Mass will be at 9.15am. There will be no 10am Mass, Adoration or Confessions that day. 

July Mass at St Katherine’s, Shorne will be next Saturday 29th June at 11am instead of 6th July.

 Summer Concert  The popular Medway Singers will combine with Meopham Brass Band and Lauren Lynn to treat us to a very warming, relaxing evening on Saturday 13th July at 7.30pm. Proceeds for the Church Renovation projects. Tickets are £10 to include a drink and nibbles and are available from the parish office or ask a steward. Please save the date.

Wedding  Our prayers, congratulations and best wishes to Maria Watson and Anthony Archer on their wedding this weekend at St John’s. Please make an appointment to see the Parish Priest if you would like to get married at St John’s.

Last weeks collections  £1212.76. Day For Life £262.66. A further £546.01 came in for the MSP appeal. Frs Stephen and Moses are most grateful on behalf of the MSP.  Next week second collection: Peter’s Pence; This is the faithfull’s offerings to the Holy Father and destined to church needs, humanitarian initiatives, children, elderly or marginalized and victims of war and natural disasters. Thank you for your continued generosity and also to those people who pay by standing order and contactless. Gift aid, standing order, bank details are available at the back of the Church or contact the parish office.

KSC ‘Let Life Flourish’ 12 hours Adoration Friday 28th June at 9pm to Saturday 29th June at 9pm. This will be LIVE streamed YouTube and Facebook Live. This adoration is organised by the Knights of St. Columba alongside SPUC (Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child) Please do join us at St. John’s Church  for this special adoration – There is a booking form at the back of the Church, please sign your name to confirm your attendance.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; come and talk heart to heart with Him, either on Wed (10am-12noon) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm; or 1st Friday 24 hour Adoration

Table top  There will be a table top sale outside the Church Next Saturday 29th June from 9am-1pm, weather permitting.

Fr Moses Amune MSP  Please join Fr Moses in thanking God for the privilege of serving as His priest for the past 30 years on Tuesday 2nd July at 9.15am Mass. Keep him in your prayers.

Baptism Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a talk before the baptism. Please phone/email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is Monday 8th July).

Southwark Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Archbishop John warmly invites you to join him as he leads the pilgrimage, from 23-30 August 2024. Details of this can be found on the Archdiocesan website: Experience the unique spirituality of Lourdes, along with people from parishes around the Archdiocese.

Altar Servers Summer Break  29th July-1st Aug. Please see the poster and applications in the porch.

KSC Dinner Dance 3 August 5.30-9.30pm  Please see flyer for full details. Tickets are £25 per person available from a member of the Knights. Please buy a ticket and enjoy a great evening with music, dance, relaxation and interaction.

Booking Mass IntentionsEnvelopes for Masses are available at the back of the Church, write the intention and put the stipend in the envelope. Please do not use the Dona Machine for Mass stipends.

Wednesday Tea/Coffee  Refreshments are served in the Coffee bar after 12 noon Mass. All welcome.

Appeal for Knitters?  Thank you to those people who have made a shawl for our delighted parents getting their children baptised. We don’t have shawls for them to purchase. If you would like to knit/crochet a shawl we can reimburse the cost of the wool. We are not looking at any specific pattern although they need to be white. (last year we had over 80 baptisms in the parish). Please call at the office if you have any queries.

Date for your diary – Our annual International Mass Sunday15th September 10.30am at St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School. More details soon. Can your community help to sing a part of the Mass? Please email the office for any ideas or help you are able to give. 10.30am Mass that day will be moved to the Comprehensive.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family. 

Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be online at 3pm Monday – Friday. Click here for how to join the online meetings as well as the prayers if you wish to say the Chaplet privately.

Come and Rest in Me  is a contemplative group that meets around the Word of God on Wednesdays 8-9pm. Click here for the zoom link.

Mustard Seed  Bible study every day @ 8.30pm; Lectio Divina on Fridays @ 7.30pm. Please click here for how to join

Day of Celebration Sunday 7th July at Aylesford;12 open and Mass 4pm. Sharing in the gift of people with disabilities. Bring packed  lunch or the tea rooms will be open.

Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them and their families. Please, when on admission in the hospital or care home, volunteer the information of your faith as you won’t be asked ordinarily.