First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm Waissen & McGinley families, Delivert & Custry families (live streamed)
Sun 23 Mar Third Sunday of Lent (C)
- 8.30am Zillah Shenton RIP (B/d)
- 9.30am Bessie Trotman (St Mary’s, Denton)
- 10.30am Bob Bradshaw RIP (livestreamed)
- 6.00pm Teresa Tutty RIP
Mon 24 Mar Feria
- 9.15am Mary & Edward Gallagher
Tues 25 Mar The Annunciation
- 9.15am Teresa Tutty RIP (live streamed)
Wed 26 Mar Feria
- 10am Stations of the Cross
- 12 noon Gregorio Mendonca
- Adoration 12.30pm-6pm
Thurs 27 Mar Feria
- 9.15am (St John’s School)
Fri 28 Mar Feria
- 9.15am Deceased members of Moreton family
- 6.30pm Stations of the Cross
Sat 29 March Feria
- Adoration after 10am Mass until 12.30pm
- (Reconciliation 11.30-12.30pm)
- 10.00am Eva Felicia
First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm Jon Anthony Tarbin RIP, Muriel Tarbin RIP (live streamed)
Sun 30 Mar Fourth Sunday of Lent (C)
- 8.30am Mavis Twocock RIP (5th Anniv), Teresa Tutty RIP, Joe & Theresa Smyth RIP (Wedd Anniv)
- 9.30am (St Mary’s, Denton) Vinnie Grant RIP
- 10.30am Birthdays & Anniversaries Celebrated during March (livestreamed)
- 6.00pm