Newsletter w/c 09-02-2025

 Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends

  • Carmen Josephine Balzan – Requiem at St Johns Thurs 20th Feb at 11am
  • Hayley Teresa Mills – Service at Thamesview Crematorium Mon 24th Feb at 12 noon
  • Carmen Zarb – Requiem at St John’s Mon 24th Feb at 10.45am
  • Helena Labacova – Service at Thamesview Crematorium Tues 25th Feb at 12 noon
  • Margaret Keegan – Requiem at St John’s Thurs 27th Feb at 11am

May God console their families. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


      Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including….   

  • 9:  Denise McGee, Eileen Green, Joan Eileen Mullen, Mary Alice Ferguson, Sheila Ann Trimmer, Sheila Maureen Bates, Bronislaw Bednarek, Thomas John Gooda, Dorothy Irene Blair, Elizabeth Kate Farrell
  • 10: Sister M. Gabriel Vaux, Harold Miller, Sister M. Veronica Hayden, Hipolito Calco,Anne Bridget Cronin, Maisie Thomas , John Daniel Pender
  • 11: Maria Lopez, Brian Green, Frances Clare Dougal, Vincenzo Mazzone, Ronald Valentine Westmore, Kathleen Mary Pyant, Alice Warner, David Powell
  • 12: Mary Bridget Sheehan, Millie Lilley, John Morgan, Emma Ellenor Reidy, Lorena Cuozzo, James Reilly, Emilio Cientanni, Annie Newman, Evelyn Josephine Gough
  • 13: Fr. Joseph Wyatt, Ivy Waller, Alice Winifred Keegan
  • 14: Gerard Morgan, Denis Healy, Adrian Chick, Maria Luisa DiNonno
  • 15: Frances Irene Barber, Frederick George Costen
  • 16: Thomas O’Brian, Robert Pearce, Claude Turner, Anthony Bailey, Jane Lynn, Margaret Mulholand

May they rest in peace


Mass of the Sick  This Sunday 9th Feb @ 6pm. There will be an opportunity for Anointing of the Sick.

Missionary Society of St Paul will be celebrating their Silver Jubilee of serving in the UK. A special Mass celebrated by Archbishop John will be held at St George’s Cathedral next Friday 14th February at 6.30pm . All are invited to this special occasion. We wish to thank you or your support and friendship. Please let the Priests or the office know if you would need transportation.

Archbishop’s Visit to our Parish (2nd March, 2025): Archbishop John Wilson will be celebrating the 10.30am Mass on the 2nd of March. This would offer us opportunity to meet and interact with our Chief Shepherd in the archdiocese.  As we are blessed with diverse nationalities, it will be good to celebrate the gifts that each of us bring to enrich the parish family. Would you like to present to the archbishop something unique to your culture to the archbishop at the end of the Mass?  Then please meet Fr Stephen or Fr Moses (for more clarification) by the 15th of February

Baptism We welcome into our parish family Hannah Adenle, Joseph Adenle, Arabella Smith, Cayden Smith, Jenelle Asemota, Jethro Asemota, Jessie Asemota, Jed Asemota and Caelum Sunga who were baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a preparation session before the baptism (the next session is Monday 10th Feb @7pm). Please email the office.

Last weeks collections  £1,300.62, Youth Coffee Morning £252.70. Next week there will be a second collection for Racial Justice. The theme, Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice, invites Catholics across England and Wales to reflect on the collective journey towards racial justice in our schools, parishes and the wider society.

Thank you for your continued generosity and to those people who pay by standing order and contactless.

Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope Rosaries. All Parishioners are invited to attend: Every Thursday at 07:30 pm via ZOOM, Meeting ID – 895 3351 1576 Passcode: 856705. Please see the Parish website for a clickable link to the Pilgrims of Hope Rosaries – this is run by the Order of the Knights of St. Columba

Foodbank We will be collecting donations at all Masses this weekend 8th/9th Feb. the most needed items are Tinned Fruit/Veg/Meat/Mackerel, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Squash, toiletries. Thank you for your support for local families in need.

Old Palm Crosses There is a basket available at the back of the Church to collect old palm crosses which can be burnt and made into ash for Ash Wednesday 5th March.

Monthly tea/Coffee Today there will be tea and coffee served in the Coffee Room after 10.30 am Mass. You are most welcome to the Coffee bar after Mass for the refreshments and some social get-together.

Assisted Suicide All parishioners are invited to a special talk on Thurs 13 Feb at 7.30pm at St Michael’s parish hall,   Chatham. The speaker is Dr. Cajetan Skowronski, a specialist geriatric and palliative care doctor in the NHS, and national media commentator. He will discuss the serious dangers of the assisted suicide bill, healthcare realities, and what we can do. Refreshments served. Car park on site. Chatham train station 30 seconds away. 

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; come and talk heart to heart with Him, either on Wed (10am-12noon) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm; or 1st Friday 24 hour Adoration.

Hope in Adoration. As part of the Jubilee Year, Archbishop John is encouraging people to turn to the Lord Jesus in Eucharistic adoration and have their hopes “fulfilled by Christ”. The campaign, Hope in Adoration, will share testimonies from parish priests and laity throughout the year on how Eucharistic adoration has helped them build a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus. Resources will also be made available for free and there is a comprehensive list of times of Eucharistic adoration in parishes across the Archdiocese. Find out more about the campaign at We are blessed to have 24 hour Adoration 1st Friday of the month.

KSC Council 977 Annual Dinner Dance and Fundraising 5th July 2025 at The Riverside Community Centre, Dickens Road, Gravesend DA12 2JY, Tickets: £30, 7-11pm. Dress code: This is a black tie event, Raffle Prizes to be won  on the night. For tickets please contact  Brother Michael Afeeva on 07958112644 or  a member of the Knights of St. Columba.

Flame 2025 Thanks to all for your support of our Youths; unfortunately when we asked for more tickets, they were sold out. The 30 will be on 1st come.

Wednesday Teas You are welcome to come into the Coffee Bar after the 12 noon Mass on Wednesdays for refreshments and friendship.

Please see the parish website for all our prayer groups;

Padre Pio, Mother’s Prayers, Divine Mercy, Mustard Seed, Come Rest in Me