Christ the King  Today Sunday 20th November, immediately after the 10.30am Mass, please join us for a small  procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the block to celebrate Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe like we did last year.


Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 21-22 Blinney Street, London, London, United Kingdom

RED WEDNESDAY Break the Silence on Christian Persecution Wednesday 23rd November Gathering by the Ukranian Catholic Cathedral, London from 5:45pm, Mass at 6:16pm (plus a talk afterwards) (21-22 Linney Street, London W1K 5BQ) See the poster here Visit the website for more information

Parish Christmas Bazaar

St John's Catholic Comprehensive School Rochester Road, Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Note: We are now collecting donations for the various stalls and there is a list at the back of the church with suggestions including bottles, teddies, toys, puzzles, Christmas decorations, Christmas goodies, toiletries, bags, scarves etc. Please do consider helping by either running a stall or helping on the day. Ideas are most welcome. Either ... Read more