Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 1

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 2

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 3

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 4

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 5

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 6

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

Communities are encouraged to get involved in celebrating the Queen’s 70 years of service to the Nation and Commonwealth. As a parish community, we thought we would mark this historic event by planting a tree and commemorative plaque as part of the Queens Green Canopy. We will celebrate Mass on Thursday 2nd June at 10am ... Read more

CANCELLED – Priesthood: sign of eternity – St George’s Young Adults Group

St George's Cathdral Lambeth Road, London

Cancellation of this talk announced by the archdiocese. The other talks in this series are still on   ≈≈=============== St George's Young Adult Group for 20s and 30s Summer Series: Vocation & mission Priesthood: sign of eternity - Fr Paul Kyne A talk followed by a social.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 7

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let us make it a community experience.

First Friday – Hour of Mercy

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

 It will start at 2.30pm Rosary, 3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet and Exposition, 3.30pm Mass. All are welcome to join us.