Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

This will be live streamed

Farewell to Father John

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

An opportunity to say farewell to Father John as he leaves us to take up a new parish in Manchester.  UPDATE to the location Join us in the meeting room of the presbytery.   

St George, Patron of England

Strictly speaking, from a church perspective this isn't true! As we are still in the Easter Octave, which takes precedence, this is shifted. Monday is already the feast of St Mark the Gospel writer, so the Church feast of St George is actually on Tuesday 26th April this year!

Altar Servers’ Rally

Aylesford Priory The Friars, Aylesford, Kent, United Kingdom

At the Carmelite Priory at Aylesford. Mass is at 11:30am with Archbishop John Wilson. Altar servers, as well as their families and friends are all welcome.  

Mass for Migrants

Westminster Cathedral 42 Francis Street, London, United Kingdom

Sycamore GIFT Course for married and engaged couples (1)

A new exciting free ONLINE course, for engaged and married couples, has been developed in collaboration with the Southwark Marriage and Family Life team and Sycamore, a programme about the Christian faith by Fr Stephen Wang.    Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) consists of four hour-long sessions via Zoom and is a wonderful opportunity for: ... Read more

Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Hartley in Kent

St Francis de Sales, Hartley ‘White Friars’ Church Road, Hartley, Kent, United Kingdom

The annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Hartley in Kent takes place from 3.30pm on Saturday 7th May 2022. The original prayer intention proposed by Pope Benedict XV when recognising the new title for Our Lady in 2021 was for Peace among the Nations of Europe. Today, such prayer is as appropriate as ever!  All are welcome.   ... Read more

Sycamore GIFT course for married and engaged couples (2)

A new exciting free ONLINE course, for engaged and married couples, has been developed in collaboration with the Southwark Marriage and Family Life team and Sycamore, a programme about the Christian faith by Fr Stephen Wang.    Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) consists of four hour-long sessions via Zoom and is a wonderful opportunity for: ... Read more

Spring Concert in Aid of House of Mercy

Gravesend Entertainment & Musical Society (GEMS) are holding two concerts on Friday 13th May at 7:30 and Saturday 14th May 3.00pm at Christ Church, Echo Square. They will be singing a selection of Jazz classics in aid of House of Mercy. Tickets £8 on the door.