Mass – St Katherine’s, Shorne
St Katherine's, Shorne Malthouse Lane, Shorne, Kent, United KingdomCarols & Midnight Mass
St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United KingdomCHRISTMAS DAY
Masses as normal, except... No Evening Mass
Protecting loved ones in hospital
St John Fisher, Rochester Canon Close, Rochester, Kent, United KingdomSt John Fisher Parish Catholic Men’s Group, Rochester Protecting loved ones in hospital. What does the Church teach, and how can we understand and apply it? Talk by Fr Patrick Pullicino MD PhD, a priest in our archdiocese who held university professorships in neurology and neurosciences and was a consultant neurologist at East Kent Hospital. ... Read more
MSP Annual Celebration
St George's Cathdral Lambeth Road, LondonThe Missionary Society of St Paul invite you to their Annual celebration day on Friday 27th January at St George’s Cathedral, London. Mass @ 6.30pm celebrated by Archbishop John Wilson. Please let us know if you have any spare spaces in your car or your require a lift.
“Time to Rethink Abortion”
March for Life UK is running a campaign to get people thinking and talking about abortion.. to create awareness of the damage caused and promote the value of every human life. On Saturday 4th February, a day long event "Time to Rethink Abortion" is being run in Sutton Coldfield. Open to anyone over 16, there ... Read more