Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral 21-22 Blinney Street, London, London, United Kingdom

RED WEDNESDAY Break the Silence on Christian Persecution Wednesday 23rd November Gathering by the Ukranian Catholic Cathedral, London from 5:45pm, Mass at 6:16pm (plus a talk afterwards) (21-22 Linney Street, London W1K 5BQ) See the poster here Visit the website for more information

Parish Christmas Bazaar

St John's Catholic Comprehensive School Rochester Road, Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Note: We are now collecting donations for the various stalls and there is a list at the back of the church with suggestions including bottles, teddies, toys, puzzles, Christmas decorations, Christmas goodies, toiletries, bags, scarves etc. Please do consider helping by either running a stall or helping on the day. Ideas are most welcome. Either ... Read more

Christmas Concert at St John’s

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

Christmas Concert at St John's Church led by Medway Singers and St John's singers