Download and print the Lent & Easter Pamphlet
Confession/Reconciliation Service
- Every Friday 5.30pm before Stations of the Cross
- Saturday 11.30am – 12.30pm in the Church
Stations of the Cross
- Every Friday during Lent at 6.30pm followed by a Lenten Recollection
- 14th, 21st, 28th March 4th, 11th April
- Wednesday during Lent 10am followed by talk and Mass at 12 noon
- 12th, 19th March, 2nd, 9th April (Not 26th March)
Exposition & Adoration
- Wednesday after 12 noon Mass until 6pm (We need people to commit)
- Saturday after 10am Mass until 12.30pm
- 24 hour Adoration Friday 7th March and Friday 4th April
Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Each day at 3pm – Click here
Easter Family Craft Afternoon
- Sunday 13th April 2-4pm
Easter Presentation – St Johns Primary School
- Thursday 3rd April 6pm in the Church
Saturday 12th April @ 10am
Parish Lenten Service of Reconciliation/Confession
Holy Week Services
at St John’s (unless otherwise stated)
Sunday 13th April – Palm Sunday (palms distributed at all masses)
- Masses at 6pm (Sat) 8.30am, 9.30am (Denton), 10.30am & 6pm
Monday 14th April and Tuesday 15th April
- Mass 9.15am
Wednesday 16th April No Morning Mass or Exposition
- Chrism Mass at St Georges Cathedral 11.30am
- 6.30pm Mass St John’s
Thursday 17th April – Maundy Thursday (live streamed)
- 8pm Mass of the Last Supper, followed by Watching until midnight.
- Eucharistic Ministers renew commitment to Ministry.
Friday 18th April – Good Friday
- 10.00am Children’s Stations of the Cross
- 3pm Solemn Liturgy – The Passion of the Lord (Live streamed)
Saturday 19th April – Holy Saturday
- Confession – 11.30-12.30pm (No Exposition or 12 noon Mass)
- 10am & 11am Blessing of Food (Polish & Eastern European)
8.30pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night (live streamed)
Sunday 20th April – Easter Sunday (Resurrection of the Lord)
- Masses at 8.30am (St John’s), 9.30am (Denton), 10.30am (St John’s),
- 11am (Shorne)
- 6pm (St John’s).
Monday 21st April
- Mass 10am – Galilee Day