Welcome to the Catholic Parish Communities of Gravesend, Denton and Shorne. We are proud of our Christian heritage/history that dates back to 950. We remain ever grateful and connected to all who have been parishioners/priests/religious here.
We are a welcoming community; many have testified to the feeling of being welcomed and valued in these parish communities. We look forward to benefiting from each person’s unique talent; this is what makes us great: collective service of the community! I pray that we would continue to grow together as beloved children of God under the patronages of St John, St Katherine and Our Mother Mary.
Our parish life is sustained predominantly by volunteers; we remain eternally grateful for the services rendered by each person. We have St John’s Primary and Comprehensive High Schools in the parish that are committed to giving our children a Catholic education and ethos; we also have the Sisters of Mercy, St Joseph’s Convent in the parish who serve the parish in many ways especially constantly praying for us all.
With love and prayers,
Fr Moses Amune, MSP (A Missionary of St Paul of Nigeria)