Mass times w/c 6-03-2022

Saturday 5 Mar

First Mass of Sunday, Vigil

6.00pm                          Mrs Marie Louise Sullivan RIP, Symon Lerzenar RIP (live streamed) 


Sun 6 Mar First Sunday of Lent (C)

8.30am                             Sherin Paul RIP, Agnes Int for World Peace, Patrick Coady RIP (5th Anniv)  

9.30am                             (Denton) Clara John Harkin & Maria Tanner RIP

10.30am                         Symon Lerzenar, Jane Clover RIP (live streamed)

 6.00pm                          Miroslawa Perlowska RIP


Mon 7 Mar Feria

9.15am                            Thanksgiving


Tues 8 Mar Feria

9.15am                        Luke Atkinson RIP (live streamed)


Wed 9 Mar Feria

Adoration 10.00am-12noon

12 noon                      Eileen Dowler RIP (Birthday)
7.00pm                         Juma family (intentions)


Thurs 10 Mar Feria

9.15am St John’s Primary School (No Mass in the Church)

Fri 11 Mar Feria

9.15am                          Wahab family

6.30pm                           Stations of the Cross

(Confession 5.30-6.15pm)

Sat 12 Mar Feria

10.00am                      All resting in Gravesend Cemetery

Adoration after 10am Mass until 12.30pm

(Reconciliation 11.30-12.30pm)

First Mass of Sunday, Vigil

6.00pm                        Raphael family (live streamed)


Sun 6 Mar First Sunday of Lent (C)

8.30am                            Sherin Paul RIP

9.30am                             (Denton) Ken, Marie & Samantha Hughes, Aina & Limus Treiguts RIP

10.30am                        Juma family (live streamed)

 6.00pm                        Barb Cooper RIP