Newsletter w/c 18-09-2022

Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends.

  • Peter Roland McClean – Funeral at Thamesview Crematorium Fri 23rd Sept at 10am
  • Anna Marie Mullan– Requiem at St John’s Thurs 22nd September at 10.45am
  • Seamus  Kiely – Reception into St John’s 26th Sept and Requiem Tues 27tth Sept at 11am
  • Giuda Taddeo Gatt – Requiem at St Johns Fri 30th Sept at 12 noon

May God console their immediate family. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including…

  •  18: Anne Teresa Wells, Elvire Elodie Russell, Rose Killaly, Joyce Rita Erangey, Geoffrey Stephen Finan, Arthur Robert Smith, Constance Pamela Luxon
  • 19: Victor Ernest Elsey, Sheila Stapley, Angela Mary Clarke,
  • 20: Catherine Hall, John Ayres, William Gerrard Fahey, Mary Margaret Amos, Doreen Margaret Bavidge, Mona Godbeer,  Mary Thornton, Kathleen Maisie Jones, Sean Joseph Mathers, Lorraine Webster, Michelina Angelamaria Ferrara
  • 21: Sister M. Ignatius Sheedy, Michael Jennings, Anthony Patrick Dyzart, Kathleen Turner, Liam Declan McArdle,
  • 22: Michael Glynn, Bert Barber, Mary McGee, Joseph Robert Killaly
  • 23: Mary O’Neill, Eugene Horvath, Beryl Styles, Victor DaSilva
  • 24: Joseph Higgins, James Magee, Janet Ellis, Yvonne Catherine Williams
  • 25: Charles Byrne, Thomas Noel McCarthy, Patricia Jean Drayner. James O’Kane, Winifred Bailey, Julie Catherine McGough

 May they rest in peace


Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to  receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them.

Queen Elizabeth II RIP  Next Saturday 24th September at 10am Mass we will remember our Queen in a special memorial Mass. Please join us. There is a statement from our Archbishop available at the back of the church.    

International Mass – Celebrating our Unity in Diversity 25th September 2022  Next Sunday    Fr Moses looks forward to welcoming you all to St John’s Comprehensive School for 10.30am Mass (Please note there will be no 9.30am (Denton) & 10.30am Masses at St John’s Church).     If you wish to bring along a plate of food to share it will be most welcome and come in national dress if you wish. Please let us know if you would like to participate in any way.

The Bethlehem Nativity Group  will visit us this weekend 17/18th September to briefly talk about the Holy Land and sell religious  articles made out of Olive Wood to help and support the poor Christian families.

St Johns Catholic Comprehensive School  will be holding their open evening this Thursday 22nd September 6-9pm.

Last weeks collections:  First collection: £1171.93, Catholic Education £454.02.

This Weekend there will be a second collection to support Evangelization. There are some novena cards available to take away. Thank you for your continued generosity. 

Thank you to all those people who also pay by standing order – forms are available on the information table if you would like to make your donation to the Church in this way instead of using gift aid envelopes or cash.

St Bernadette Relic Tour the relics are due to visit St George’s Cathedral from 19 to 21 October; they will also visit     Aylesford Priory from Monday 24 October until Friday 28 October. Please consult the website of each venue for further  details and times..

RCIA  We welcome anyone who is searching or wants to review their faith or may be interested in joining the Catholic    community, or wishes to be Confirmed. Please contact the office or speak to Fr Moses.

Baptisms  We welcome into our parish family Isla O’Neil who was baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish  office. Dates for the baptism course can be seen in the porch. Families need to attend one of the talks before the baptism. Please phone or email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is 10th October).

First Holy Communion Preparation for Children at Non Catholic Schools Application forms are now available at the back of the Church. Sr Elizabeth will start preparation classes on 1st October after the 10am Mass. Please return completed forms to the parish office or hand to one of the Priests by the end of September.

School Forms  Fr Moses will be available to sign school forms on Thurs between 2-5pm in the Presbytery. Please note that the day and times may change each week.

Foodbank Thank you everyone who donated so generously to the Foodbank last weekend. We were able to deliver 136kg of food and other essentials to help local families in need.

The Archbishop’s Certificate (ArchCert) is an online course for all in Southwark who wish to know their Catholic faith more deeply. Participants will take a two-year journey through the Church’s teaching to understand their faith in a more profound way. The Course starts Oct 2022 and the cost will be £365 per year. Registration must be completed in advance. Further details can be found  here .Two of our parishioners, Catherine Gurney and Monica Lawrence, started the course last year and are finding it both informative and inspiring.

Mass OfferingsIf you would like to have a Mass offered for an intention, please fill in one of marked envelopes and hand to one of the priests or call at the presbytery between 10-2pm if you would like a specific mass. We cannot always allocate a Mass on the date requested as it may have already been booked, however, your Mass may be shared if you wish.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Come to me all who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest. Come, pray, rest & watch before the Blessed Sacrament, either on Wed (9.30–11.30) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm.

Bazaar  We know it sounds early but we will be holding a meeting about the Bazaar on Wednesday 12th October at 6.30pm in the Coffee Bar. We hope to have lots of new ideas and how we can have the most successful day      together.

International Mass – 25th September 2022 10.30am St Johns Comprehensive School 

Prayer for the Care of Creation 

We will say this prayer during the season of creation until the feast of St Francis of Assisi on 4th October

Father, Lord of all creation, we praise you with all your creatures
and the whole universe that comes forth from the work of Your hands.
We acknowledge the privilege and responsibility that You give us as stewards of Your creation.
In our ignorance we have done damage to our common home and our brothers and sisters are suffering.

Through faithfully following your Son guide and direct us to prepare for a better future.
Teach us to contemplate You in the beauty of the universe, for all things speak of You.
Give us the grace to recognise, respect and protect all You have created, using wisely all that you have

entrusted to us. Holy Spirit, who first hovered over the dawn of creation and drew order out of the chaos
help us to build your kingdom of justice, love, peace and beauty where the poor of the earth are crying out.

You, who live and reign, world without end, Amen.