First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm Anthony, Gerard, Jude & Sarbel (Thanksgiving to the Saints) live streamed)
Sun 13 Oct Twenty-Eighth Sunday (B)
- 8.30am Angela Loughrey & family RIP, Josephine McEniff RIP (1st Anniv)
- 9.30am (St Mary’s, Denton) Teresa Symms (Birthday)
- 10.30am Jude Mordi RIP (livestreamed)
- 6.00pm
Mon 14 Oct Feria
- 9.15am Dinny Doherty
Tues 15 Oct St Teresa of Avila
- 9.15am Onyeka Adaka (Birthday Blessing) (live streamed)
Wed 16 Oct Feria
Adoration 10.00am-12noon
- 12 noon Michael & Christine Johnson (50th Wedding Anniv)
Thurs 17 Oct St Ignatius of Antioch
- 9.15am (St John’s School)
Fri 18 Oct St Luke
- 9.15am Marie Albrow (Intention)
Sat 19 Oct BVM
Adoration after 10am Mass until 12.30pm (Reconciliation 11.30-12.30pm)
- 10.00am
First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm live streamed)
Sun 20 Oct Twenty-Ninth Sunday (B)
- 8.30am Susan Hares RIP
- 9.30am (St Mary’s, Denton) Roy Goulding RIP
- 10.30am Stephen Walsh & deceased members of Walsh family (livestreamed)
- 6.00pm Alaksandre Petelczyc RIP (30 days)