Masses w/c 04-03-2023

First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)

  • 6.00pm   Eamonn McInerney RIP (1st Anniv), Janet Bagley RIP (live streamed)


  • 8.30am   Sherin Paul RIP, Marlene Delivert, Refregee family
  • 9.30am – Denton Iris Elliott Intention
  • 10.30am   (live streamed)   Mr & Mrs Anthony Atsu Hadzide (Thanksgiving)                                        
  • 6.00pm   Peter Busby RIP

Mon 6 March Feria

  • 9.15am   Kizito Bodunrins 22nd birthday intention, Maria & Henri Augustine Int.

Tues 7 March Feria

  • 9.15am   Exilda Mungulube (Thanksgiving) (live streamed)

Wed 8 March Feria

Adoration 10.00am-12noon                 

  • 12 noon   Frances Costen (Birthday), Kath Smyth (Wellbeing) (live streamed)    

Thurs 9 March Feria

  • 9.15am   (St John’s School)

Fri 10 March Feria

  • 9.15am   Caetano Rodrigues RIP (Anniv 28/2)

Sat 11 March Feria

Adoration and Reconciliation after 10am Mass until 12noon

  • 10.00am   Lesley Hogan Int.                                 

First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)

  • 6.00pm   Eyesan Okorodudu RIP, Jenny & Alex Delivert, Olivia Bucha, Casimir Lise (live streamed)
  • Sun 12 March THIRD SUNDAY of LENT (A)
  • 8.30am   Oonagh Chapman RIP (Birthday), Sherin Paul RIP, Marlene Delivert & family
  • 9.30am – Denton Iris Elliott Int
  • 10.30am   (live streamed)                                              
  • 6.00pm  

The Church will be open for private prayer Mon- Friday until 5pm, Sat & Sun 7pm