Newsletter w/c 17-03-2024

Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends    

May God console their families. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace;


Please pray for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time including….

  • 17:Helena Claire, Gerald Byrne, William James, Patrick McCarthy, Mary Kearney Smith, Cornelius Doris, Melanie Mulheran, Catherine Anne Pollard, Michael Joseph Finn
  • 18:Sarah Sharkey, Elizabeth Miller, Gladys Dougal, William Christopher Keegan, Margaret Lyons, Frederick William Bateman, Francis Roy Henry, Baby Charlie Taylor,
  • 19:Michael Kavanagh, Michael Neil Davies, William James Thomson, Ellen Elizabeth Long, Paul Thomas Finch, Mario Cientanni
  • 20:Ted Rayfield, James Lahiff, Ernest Edward Heinave, John Clifford, William Joseph Dolan, Eileen Winifred Nell, Sheila Mary Dunham, Kathy Desmond, Hilda Florence Elizabeth Bateman, John Christopher Matthews
  • 21:Samuel Henry Perrin, Maria Cutillo, Bessie Maud Trotman, Billie Picciola, Margaret Sharp, Noel Christopher Moran, Stella Marie Bove
  • 22:Major John O’Neill, Thomas James Lear, Dennis Traveller, Agnes Crisp, Marie Fowell, Dorothy May Took, Richard Erangey, Alexander Brierley Hodgkinson, James Flynn
  • 23:Winifred Irene King, Rev. Fr. Anthony Crean, Bill Smith, Thomas Fredrick Bailey, Sister M. Patricia Metcalfe, Sister M. Zita Callinane, Maria Lappin, Gerard Francis McKenna, William Joseph Maloney,
  • 24:Egidio Ferrara, James Anthony Tutty, William Desmond Pithman, Rosemary Vivienne Gray, Jean Fawcett

    May they rest in peace…


Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion or call 07405803862. We remember in our prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them and their families.

Planned Giving  .Over the coming weeks we ask all parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their commitment to our parish. As a parish and as individuals, we have been blessed with many, varied gifts. Biblical Stewardship calls us to share our gifts of time, talent and financial blessings with our parish community and our world. These gifts come from God, so let us strive to return a sacrificial and generous portion to Him, as we are used to doing already. Today, please take an appeal newsletter. We shall be hearing more about stewardship and the needs of our parish over the coming weeks. Please give prayerful consideration to this appeal. If you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass today

Parish Reconciliation/Confession  Service   Will take place next Saturday, 10am at St John’s

Palm Sunday Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. Palms will be blessed and distributed at all masses .

Novena 10th-18th to St Joseph  The Novena prayer will take place each day 30 minutes before Mass and Sunday 5.30pm. We pray this novena to St. Joseph the Worker for nine days, culminating on the Solemnity of Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin. We can pray this novena to ask for Joseph’s special care over a particular intention such as help in an area of our lives needing discernment.

Last weeks collections  £1,389.69, This Week: a second collection for Poor Parishes. Thank you for your continued         generosity and also to those people who pay by standing order and contactless. If you wish to set up a standing order, St Johns Church bank details are: Account name: ‘RCAS a Registered Charity re St Johns Church’, Sort code: 60-09-10 Nat West Bank, 30 King Street, Gravesend, DA12 2XX, Account No: 07722915. Or contact the parish office.

Children’s Liturgy Thank you to all those who have responded. We hope to restart the sessions in the near future.

Baptism Application forms for Baptism are available from the back of the Church or the parish office. Families need to attend a talk before the baptism. Please phone/email the office if you wish to attend (Next session is Monday 8th April).

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Christ is really present in the Blessed Sacrament; come and talk heart to heart with Him, either on Wed (12.30pm-6pm) or Sat after 10am Mass until 12.30pm. During Lent there will be a clipboard at the back of the Church to sign so that there will always be someone present.

200 Club  February Winners 1st: £55 – Nicola Balzan, 2nd:  £35 – Kath Smyth, 3rd: £25 – Priscilla Okorefe, 4th: £15 – Mary Gaskill. We held the draw on Wednesday 28th Feb in the Coffee Bar. Thank you for your support.

School Forms We will be available to sign school forms on Thursday between 1-3pm in the Presbytery. Please note that the day and times may change each week.

Foodbank  Thank you for your most generous donations last weekend. We were able to deliver 229 Kg of much needed food and other essentials to help our local families in need.

Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday  straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer. We especially remember our sick friends and family.

Wednesday Tea/Coffee  Refreshments are served in the Coffee bar after 12 noon Mass. All welcome.

Booking Mass IntentionsEnvelopes for Masses are available at the back of the Church, write the intention and put the stipend (£10 is recommended) in the envelope. Please do not use the Dona Machine for Mass stipends.

Mass in Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage July 13th 2024 at St George’s Cathedral If you are celebrating your 1st/10th/25th/40th/50th/60th + wedding anniversary this year, please let us know as soon as possible, and no later than May 31st 2024, providing the following details:  your names (ie John and Mary Smith), your home address, the anniversary you are celebrating, so you can receive an invitation from the Archbishop for the renewal of vows during Mass.  Spaces are limited.  Email:  As the title of your email, please write your parish location e.g. Gravesend, St Johns.  

Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be online at 3pm Monday – Friday. Click here for how to join the online meetings as well as the prayers if you wish to say the Chaplet privately.

Come and Rest in Me  is a contemplative group that meets around the Word of God on Wednesdays 8-9pm. Click here for the zoom link.

Mustard Seed  Bible study every day @ 8.30pm; Lectio Divina on Fridays @ 7.30pm. Please click here for how to join

LENT: Stations of the Cross Friday evening at 6.30pm (Confessions 5.30-6.15pm) & Wednesday  @10am