First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm Leon Kamdem (Thanksgiving) (live streamed)
Sun 5 May 6th Sunday of Easter (B)
- 8.30am Sherin Paul, Janet Njeri (unwell)
- 9.30am (St Mary’s Denton ) Stephen Amune (Healing)
- 10.30am Brigid Murphy (Intention), Teju Adeniran (Birthday) (live streamed)
- 6.00pm Elaine Moniz RIP, Eileen Gurney RIP
Mon 6 May Feria
- 10.00am Sr Magdalene
Tues 7 May Feria
- 9.15am Barette & Dolan families, Joseph Perrin (unwell) (live streamed)
Wed 8 May Feria
Adoration 10.00am-12noon
- 12 noon John McDonach RIP
- 9.15am (St John’s School)
- 9.15am (St John’s Church) Lesley Hogan’s Intention (live streamed)
- 12 noon Bronagh Freeman (Birthday)
- 7.00pm Mandy Woodward
Fri 10 May St John de Avila
- 9.15am Michael Lowry RIP
Sat 11 May Feria
Adoration after 10am Mass until 12.30pm (Reconciliation 11.30-12.30pm)
- 10.00am Marshall Vegas (wellbeing)
First Mass of Sunday, (Saturday)
- 6.00pm Michael Lowry (live streamed)
Sun 12 May 7th Sunday of Easter (B)
- 8.30am Sherin Paul, Mgr Thomas Earner RIP, PJ Earner RIP
- 9.30am (St Mary’s Denton ) Bridget Quinn & family, Catherine Hall (Birthday)
- 10.30am Paul & Harry Wilcocks RIP (live streamed)
- 6.00pm John Meade RIP