Walsingham Shrine of Our Lady Houghton St Giles, Walsingham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

While waiting for Pentecost, we would like to invite you and your dear parishioners to participate in the 12th NATIONAL DIVINE MERCY PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM 'The Merciful Lifestyle' organised by ... Read more

First Saturday

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

Devotions in the Church - more information

Confirmations Mass

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

We welcome Monsignor Gerry Ewing to St Johns to Confirm our young people

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 9

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

From Friday 27th May to Sunday 5th June at 7pm every evening in the Church. As a parish, let us come to the “Upper Room” to relive Pentecost experience. Let ... Read more

Youth Fellowship

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

Youths  - You are invited for 30 minutes of fellowship and interaction after 10.30am Mass on Sunday 26th June Pizza will be available :-)

First Friday – Hour of Mercy

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

First Friday – Hour of Mercy will be held in the Church this Friday 1st July. It will start at 2:30pm 2.30pm Rosary, 3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet and Exposition, 3.30pm ... Read more

First Saturday Devotion

St John's, Gravesend St John's Catholic Church, Parrock Street, Gravesend, KY, United Kingdom

First Saturday Devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary   On the first Saturday of each month a service will be held 11.30-12.30pm in the Church. It was first mentioned by ... Read more

Mass in Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage

St George's Cathdral Lambeth Road, London

If you are celebrating your 1/10/25/40/50/60th + wedding anniversary this year, please apply before 31 May.  Get in touch with us at mflkent@rcaos.org.uk so you can receive an invitation from the Archbishop.  Spaces ... Read more

Altar Servers Summer Break

Oratory School, Reading Woodcote, Reading, South Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

For Altar Servers, boys and girls aged 11-17 of the Southwark diocese 2-5th August at   Oratory School, Reading. Please collect a form from the sacristy if you are interested.