Please pray for the souls of all deceased parishioners, family and friends.
- Ashleigh Wallis – requiem at St Johns Fri 11th March at 12.30
- Marina Ventskene – service at Thames View Crematorium Wednesday 9th March
May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Please pray for those who Anniversaries occur at this time including…
- 5th March – 12th March
- 5th: William Agar, Alonzo Price, Evelyn Margaret Wells
- 6th : William Smith, George Noel Harmon, Maria Jose Orsoli, Iris Gant, Michael Gerrard Coyle
- 7th : Alfred James Daniel Tolhurst, Ann Fleury, Leonard Robert Halnon, Winifred May Thompson, Mary Turner
- 8th : Arthur Robinson, Denise Anne Goodchild, Baby Charlie Andrew Hall, Clive Dennis Simmons
- 9th : Michael Maher, Ruben Brond, Elenor Matheson, Baby Niamh Nevada Wood, Ellen Teresa Taylor, Pamela June McCarthy, Marion Robinson, Frederick Richard William Harris
- 10th : Francis Hatchett, , Anthony Kerrigan, Marion Robinson, Raymondo Marcantonio, George Pearton
- 11th : Daphne Wanda McBennett, Betty Joan Bay, Cecilia Butler
- 12th : Michael Sheehy, Elizabeth Lynds, Eric William Cottrill, Alexander McNally, Cecilia Rosa Russell May they rest in peace
Lent The annual Lenten Season is the fitting time to climb the holy mountain of Easter. It has a double character, namely, to prepare both catechumens and faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery. The catechumens by the rite of election, scrutinies , catechesis towards the reception of the sacraments at Easter, the faithful by listening to the word of God, prayer, penance and the renewal of their baptism promises. We wish to appeal for active and regular participation at the masses, attendance to the Station of the Cross and the sacrament of penance/reconciliation/confession during this special season of grace. Above all, let us pray for one another, for the Church and world. Stations of the Cross at St John’s Friday evening at 6.30pm (Confessions 5.30-6.15pm).
Saving Grace A retreat for Lent: Make some space to develop your relationship with God this Lent. Sign up for our Diocesan ‘retreat at home’ called “Saving Grace”. Every week you will receive an email with links to a 25 minute video in which our Archbishop John will introduce the theme and the reading, Chris Chapman will deliver the retreat, with others contributing. You will also receive materials to use in your own prayer and reflection. All you have to have to do is sign up and then set aside what space you can for Saving Grace! More information at or sign up
Lenten Books At the back of the church we have booklets and children’s items with readings (Day by Day) and reflections (Walk With Me) for Lent. Please also collect a St John’s Lent/Easter card outlining some of the events in the Church during this season of grace.
A message from Archbishop John Wilson “The shocking news of the invasion of Ukraine is an outrage before God and all right-thinking nations and peoples. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and unite in responding to the call of Pope Francis for a day of prayer and fasting on Ash Wednesday. We will fall on our knees before Christ, the Prince of Peace, praying for an end to this act of warfare. I also ask Catholics across the Archdiocese to please pray the rosary for peace. God’s plan for the world is peace, not disaster. We pray for Ukraine and her people, and for the world’s leaders. No one wins in war. Everyone wins in peace.”
Baptisms We welcome into our parish family Troy Akehurst who was baptized this weekend. Application forms for Baptism are available from a steward in the porch or the parish office. Dates for the baptism course can be seen in the porch. Please phone or email the office if you wish to attend.
Foodbank We will be collecting next weekend at all masses. Essential items include tinned meat/fish, pasta sauce, tinned custard, noodles and long life milk. Thank you.
Mass Offerings: If you would like to have a Mass offered for an intention, please fill in one of marked envelopes and hand to one of the priests or call at the presbytery between 10-2pm if you would like a specific mass. Please note that we cannot always allocate a Mass on the date requested as it may have already been booked, however, your Mass may be shared if you wish.
Wednesday Tea/Coffee Come and join the fellowship after the 12 noon Mass on Wednesday.
Cafod Next weekend we welcome Sarah Cadwallader who will be speaking about Cafod’s work. This Friday 11th March is Family Fast Day. There will be a retiring collection for Cafod.
Mustard Seed Meet every Friday @7.30pm to nourish their faith with the Word of God (link on parish website) Novena 11-19th to St Joseph The Novena prayer will take place on Fri/Mon/Tues/Wed 20minutes before Mass and Sunday 5.40pm, (Thursday 9.15am).
Choirs – This week we welcome back the Folk Choir who will contribute at Mass on the 1st Saturday of the month at 6pm and the organ and choir on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays. Please support them by singing.
Sick/housebound Please contact the parish office and let us know of neighbours/family members who are unable to come to Church and would like to receive Communion. Remember in your prayers those who are sick, housebound or in hospital & those who care for them.
Children’s liturgy – There will be Children’s liturgy on the first and third Sundays of the month. Why not consider helping to teach our children? Please contact the parish office or speak to Pip or one of the Priests.
Divine Mercy Chaplet is said daily online. Please go to the parish website for the link.
Padre Pio Prayer Group each Tuesday straight after 9.15am Mass in the Cry Chapel. All welcome to join us in prayer.
School Forms Fr John will be available to sign school forms on Monday1-4pm in the Presbytery.
Thursday Mass 9.15am Mass will be held at St John’s Primary School for the pupils during term time. There will be no Mass in the Church on those days.
Please take your newsletter home so that you may find time to enjoy the reflections and readings. There are also ‘order of the Mass’ leaflets if you wish to use them, but please return to the basket at the back of the Church.